Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in 2021?

Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in 2025

Are you thinking of following a career in digital marketing, but aren’t sure that you simply are making the right decision?

If your answer is yes, you’re not alone here. Per annum, many people need to make difficult career choices. Some want to settle on their first career while others want to switch careers.

Back in the school days, digital marketing as a career choice was far away from being mainstream and there have probably been many of us who even didn’t hear the term digital marketing during our school time. In the last decade, digital marketing has emerged as demand. 

As technology develops, technologies alongside economic processes have made it mandatory for businesses to start out doing digital marketing or sink. the web becomes widespread and organizations need the assistance of digital marketers to effectively reach many Internet users.

In India, the value of the internet is reduced after Reliance Jio, which was launched In May 2016. The flow of consumers has increased dramatically towards social media or the web. This leads marketers to use the digital platform as a chance for marketing the products and services. 

Today the marketers and market both want to find out about digital marketing tools and it’s technique. a day new things are coming into the market. It says tons about the brilliant way forward for digital marketing.

If you’re still wondering, Is digital marketing the right career path to pursue, that’s ok. This article will dispel all of your doubts and tell you why Digital Marketing Career Outlook is nothing but positive and will continue in 2021 too.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a technique through which marketers can reach their targeted audience by using electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, and the internet where they can convert the leads into sales. 

Digital marketing is the use of online platforms to promote products and services. These online platforms can include website content, SEO( Search engine optimization), email marketing, social media, paid advertising, blogging, etc.

In some ways, traditional marketing is not different from digital marketing because the ultimate result both marketing strategies want is sales. As the traditional market also here the companies require to hire different persons with the relevant skills.

Digital marketing now incorporates many different and versatile types of job roles and skills that are creative, dynamic, exciting, and fascinating which makes it more alluring to start your career in this field.

Why a career in Digital Marketing?

As the consumers are moving on social apps or the internet more. The attention of marketers also has shifted towards these platforms. Therefore now companies are required to increase the number of digital marketers. 

Digital Marketing as a career offers plenty of room whether you are techs, creative or business people. 

Almost all companies around the world including India now have an online presence and thus creating a lot of career opportunities. It is a progressive region. The development of technology every day, it’s creating more roles in digital marketing. 

The digital economy is growing 10 times faster than the traditional economy, and firms engaging in online trading are twice as likely to generate employment as firms that aren’t. 

 Advantages of digital marketing

  •  Updated with the latest trend and changes in the Environment
  •  Upgrade your skills and creativity
  •  Employment and salary
  •   Diversification

Update with latest trends:

Digital marketing is an industry where marketers can contact customers directly. Marketers can research the needs and wants of a customer more virtually. This will help marketers analyze the changing needs of customers and the environment.

Upgrade your skills and creativity:

The digital marketing industry is an industry of creative people with relevant skills. It also provides an opportunity for content writers, video creators, designers.


Digital marketing is a vast field of marketing. It requires the different channels such as

  • Search engine optimization
  • Social media optimization
  • Mobile marketing
  • Email Marketing

As a digital marketer, it requires you to have basic knowledge about all the fields of digital marketing.

It allows marketers to work with different people and experts in different fields. By gaining information on the channels will increase the understanding of the people about digital marketing.

Employment and salary

As today the demand for digital marketers increased by the companies and people are less in supply. This leads marketers to increase their price for marketing the product.

The marketers are paid based on the work and the quality they perform. The study founds Average salary of a marketer is $140 per hour.

As a beginner in digital marketing, you should always focus on gaining knowledge and experience.

Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing- 

Digital Marketing Manager-

The demand for digital marketing job opportunities is high for experts as companies are looking for the same. Responsibilities of digital marketing managers include leading the digital marketing team. 

They are also responsible for combining various components of digital marketing and making it efficient. Digital marketing salary packages of digital marketing experts can be 15 to 20 lakhs per year. Depending on the experience, it can go up to 40 lakhs.

Search Engine Optimizer (SEO Executive)-

By doing good search engine optimization, you can get free traffic from Google. 

This is why there are tremendous opportunities related to SEO executives. The responsibilities of an SEO executive or SEO expert include keyword research, indexing pages, user experience optimization, using webmaster tools, managing duplicate content, and many more areas.

Skills required: An SEO professional needs to be an expert with the use of different types of SEO tools in the market. There are hundreds of tools that an SEO expert should have a stronghold to improve better performance on search engines. 

SEO experts report to digital marketing managers. However, most SEO experts do not manage a team and are individual contributors.

Social Media Marketing Expert-

Social media marketing-related jobs deal with the promotion of your brand and gaining your target audiences via social media sites. Social media marketing has been divided into two categories. 

First, spreading your content with the help of social media effectively and the second one is running paid advertisements in social media to gain target customer reach and try to convert them as your customer but it is something that requires quite expertise and experience in that area. 

For example, Facebook advertising has become a difficult task to handle nowadays. With the inclusion of new targeting options and features almost every single day, the need for social media marketers is increasing day by day.

Search Engine Marketer / Specialist-

Search engine marketing is one of the most valuable methods in digital marketing which a business cannot ignore. In digital marketing, It is a comprehensive marketing term that defines marketing through search engines. 

Well, keeping in mind the master of a search engine, Google, search engine marketing most of the time refers to marketing with the help of Google Ad.

 If we talk about handling search engine marketing for business then if it is a small company, a digital marketing manager takes care of the search engine marketing.

However, in the case of a bigger organization social engine marketer/specialist is a necessity and the company needs a fully skilled employee to handle this position. Search engine marketers report to digital marketing managers. 

Also, Read- Things You Should Look for In A Digital Marketing Company

The goal of a search engine market is to bring in a target number of leads and clicks from a given marketing budget. 

Much of the work involves analysis, bid management, keyword research, ad copywriting, and testing the segmentation of ad campaigns.

Content Marketing Manager- 

Content marketing manager, the one who is responsible for managing content marketing. As a content marketing manager, you need to be responsible for managing the blog, sales page copywriting, campaigns for drip marketing, ebook publication, video content marketing, and email communications.

Content marketing gives reports about their work to the digital marketing manager or head of the marketing department. More often than not, content writers who report back to the content marketing manager are freelancers who write content from their home or work part-time.

Also, Read – Meme Marketing Benefits in Digital Marketing

Inbound Marketing Manager-

The need for an Inbound manager depends on the companies. It varies from company to company, some need it some don’t. The responsibilities of an incoming marketer and content marketer are overlap tones. 

If you have to define a different role for the inbound marketer, their responsibility will be more towards managing the funnel and conversion at each stage. Drip marketing, lead nutrition, conversion rate optimization are important components in inbound marketing.

An incoming marketer can create a technique to attract customers. One of the inbound marketing strategies is content marketing. While the inbound marketing manager builds a technique on how to attract customers using content marketing, the content marketing manager can specialize in the execution of that strategy.

Conversion Rate Optimizer-

The main role of conversion rate optimizers is to increase the ratio of conversion in each step of the marketing funnel. CRO is a team member in digital marketing who can help various team members in the department.

For example, conversion rate optimizers can help inbound managers to create an optimized landing page that can convert lead into a conversion. 

CRO uses many tools and techniques to achieve its goal of increasing conversion rate at each step of the marketing funnel. 


Working as a Copywriter you can help search engine marketers to write better ad copy, help social media managers to use better words and content in the social site, and help content managers to refine content for a better user experience. 

How to start a digital marketing career?

To kick start your career in digital marketing you don’t need any specific degree, but a certification in digital marketing can easily help you to stand out in a crowd. 

Digital marketing training can be done through an e-course online or by hands-on training under the direction of someone else who has demonstrated a successful marketing experience. 

Web seminars and courses are available online and can also be useful for you to get into this career. 

How the future will look like for digital marketing?

Almost every company prefers and adopts the marketing method of digital marketing over anything else. The world has seen significant changes in evolving marketing ways. 

Read- The Future of Digital Marketing Services in India

Those who have refused to adopt digital marketing and continue to grow with traditional methods are left behind today and those who understand the weather stance and incorporate digital marketing into their marketing methods. They are taking advantage of digital marketing and ruling the market. 

This rate of unprecedented growth and change means that the demand for experienced, knowledgeable digital marketing professionals is outstripping the current supply. Whenever demand exceeds supply, there is a certain measure of job security.

Now, there is a time when a digital revolution is upon us. Technology continues to grow at the pace of improvement, progress, and numbness and there is no going back to old-time or old methods of marketing. 

The tools, techniques, and methods will continue to evolve, the one who is planning to start a career in digital marketing, with the hard work and devotion the future is bright for them.  

The market is evolving, technology is evolving, the preference and choices of people are evolving too, so when it all comes together it will impact and affect the way of doing and growing business in a way that it positively affects the demand of the marketer too if it is a digital marketing marketer. 

Why Choose Digital Socialite?

Digital socialite always believes in giving practical knowledge and experience to fresh recruits. We hire the people for the tenure of 2-3 months and try to give on-site knowledge of the field. 

At Digital Socialite we ensure your overall comprehensive training and learning. And if anything we want from you, it is your dedication and sincerity towards work.   

Final Thoughts

As more businesses continue to remain relevant and competitive in the digital marketplace, the higher demand will be for qualified and experienced digital marketing professionals. 

Digital marketing is a good career option for anyone who wants to work on the cutting edge of this technological revolution. If you are starting or switching into a new career, choosing digital marketing for building a career is the best option. 

Do your research, get advice from someone in the industry, read a blog or watch a video on digital marketing, participate in a webinar related to your skepticism about digital marketing, and then see if it matches your interests. It is never too late to make the right decision. 

Digital marketing is a career that always welcomes you with open arms. Digital marketing is a relevant and always in-demand career option.

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