What is Clubhouse app? How it Can Help Your Business?

clubhouse app explaination

Earlier the letters were used as a mode of communication between people. Later the messengers and emails and recorded audio have taken place of the letter but after covid-19 the live audio streaming or live audio are taking the place of social media apps. 

Clubhouse app came as a lime-light to the covid-19 situation in the world. Initially, it was launched in silicon valley with 1500 followers but soon in march 2020 clubhouse attracted 1 million followers of the world. 

Today’s whole article is about a clubhouse 

What is a clubhouse??

How did it get in the world’s limelight??

Opportunities for business in clubhouse??

What is a clubhouse?

The clubhouse is an audio chat app. Allows iPhone users to communicate with friends and influencers from all over the world voice talking. These influencers can be your industry experts, celebrities, mentors.

Usage of clubhouse??

Apart from bridging the gap between famous and common people. This app gives you the learning about hot and trending topics in the world. 

The top businesses and digital marketers use the clubhouse for sharing their views and insights on different industries and trending topics. This helps in generating the leads to the business houses. 

For listeners and speakers: During covid-19 clubhouse became a great platform for conducting public meetings through audio mode because it allows people to listen and express their views in front of the world.

For digital marketers, the clubhouse is a great platform to gain insight into different types of trends that are running in the world.

Opportunities for businesses 

The clubhouse can be a great opportunity for startups and business houses to become a brand by live sharing of brand stories, engaging live customer relationships, generating leads, generate awareness.

  • It helps them to connect with industry experts from all over the world.
  • It can tell what is needs and wants of the customer
  • It can increase the live engagement rate with the customer.
  • It increases the base of the customer.

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Challenges for businesses 

There are few things that as a businessman you should take care of while using clubhouse apps  

The consumer might forget about what he has heard in the previous session. So the businesses can give a timely reminder to the customers.

How does clubhouse work?

Clubhouse connects the users to users via audio chat. It divides users into different rooms according to their interests and choices. Every room consists of an influencer who organizes the meeting with their followers. These influencers have full control over events taking place over the clubhouse. He can make a listener to be a speaker or join him in the influencer group

The users can join the ongoing event at any point in time. He can also be a part of multiple rooms at the same period. The users have the power to became influencers by creating their own room.

Limitation of clubhouse 

No recording sessions are available: the events that are hosted by users are living without any recording. So if the user missed the opportunity then he can’t attend the recorded session.

Entry in the clubhouse app: It’s the main limitation of the clubhouse. The user can download the app from the app store but only joins when the invitation is received by an existing user. 

How clubhouse apps affect social media marketing?

The clubhouse is a great invention in the field of digital marketing. It has taken social media to the next stage. It is far better than a written context or image or videos.

It invites new challenges for digital marketing companies and social media platforms in the digitalized world. Digital marketers can directly gain insights by attending the live events in the clubhouse app.  

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Insights can be gained through hosting questions and answers sessions directly to the audience. By getting a live review of the audience on particular topics or products.

Clubhouse app mostly invites the live audio content rather than written content. The live audio content is to be developed in such a manner that it provides a personnel touch to the audience.

So, as a digital marketer, it’s required to check the reach of your audio content from time to time. The clubhouse gives you live insight through audio content. It will allow you to check your client’s forum and their discussion about the topic.

The other social media like Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Twitter take time to provide results. But clubhouse shows you the live results of your topics. At the time of an event, the host or co-host can check the number of people increased or reduced. 

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Difference between Facebook and clubhouse?

The apps like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter are facing tough competition with the clubhouse app. 

The clubhouse is trying to become the next social media sensation. It is targeting mostly teenagers, mentors, business houses, and celebrities. 

Facebook allows people to send messages, post photos and videos on its app. It has no entry barriers in its application. 

But clubhouse is an invite-based app that allows people to have a live chat with mentors and other industry experts.

Digital marketing Is one of the important aspects of social media where Facebook allows two types of marketing, paid and organic form of marketing where the clubhouse allows live marketing of the product.


Clubhouse can be an additional feature to the digital world. With its uniqueness, it has attracted billions of people in the world. Here the businesses are not only connected to their target customer but also with celebrities and potential investors. 

Here businesses can target an audience who has a rich lifestyle. It allows iphone users to access the application. The clubhouse may be available for android later this year.

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